Oh Snap!


See, I told you guys I had it in me. I am so unbelievably happy!

It was finally my day, although truth be told I knew it was goin down.  The day turned out exactly how I imagined.
I couldn’t be happier. Well….I could  be happier but I’ll take what I got with a huge smile.

It was pretty cold at the start 23′ I think. By the end of the race I think it was mid-low 40’s. I would rather be cold than hot any day, but you have heard that song. There was very little wind, except for a few brutal miles over a bridge (you can see from my awesome splits where I slowed). It was hillier than I expected and hillier than any marathon I have ever run. 690 ft elevation gain and about 800ft loss, a rolling course I guess. Turns out the hills didn’t effect me to bad. Ha Ha.

My husband and I woke up pretty early to drive to the start because sadly all the close hotels had been booked. We had to sit in the car for an hour just to beat traffic. I was starting to get nervous just waiting and waiting. This was John’s first half marathon and he was actually getting nervous as well, it was fun to watch. We had a passionate embrace, kissed goodbye and wished each other well.

I hopped in line unaware I was right behind the 3:35pace group. BAM the gun went off and I just hung with them for a bit and listened to his speech. I didn’t have any intention of staying with them (I don’t think I like running with a pace group) but his name was Sam (my sons name). The other pace guy was John (husbands name) and they said they would start slow and then just settle in… The first mile was slow and I was so thankful because 8:30ish pace was exactly what I had in mind to start.

Well I don’t know what happened but I felt good. Not great but good. Mile 15 or so is where I lost the pace group because of water stops. They didn’t stop or really slow at all. Thankfully I brought a small 8oz throw away water bottle and carried it until about mile 12. I will do that from now on. It was a huge difference in time and just maintaining good momentum.
I was bummed to see the 3:35 slip away but not crushed because I still felt good.

I was having a par-tay.

Mile 21 was dedicated to a friend who has just finished breast cancer treatment. She chose the mile. I honestly have to say I was losing focus at that point. A bit tired and bored but that mile I thought of her and 2 really good friends who I KNEW were tracking me and that’s when I pointed to the camera. That mile was for them. My fastest mile of the race 7:58 I think. It was bitter sweet my two homies with whom I have shared many miles of happiness, frustration, anger, and goals were not there but in a way it was good thing. If there was one thing I wish I could have changed would have been to see them along the course, or racing too, and giving them a big ole hug afterward. This is for you, you guys! Makes me teary eyed typing.
After that mile I was pumped up and ready to lay it out. I passed so many people and I think I only was passed by honestly 5 or less people.

Coming down the hill to the chute I was looking for my family who was supposed to be on my right hand side but due to race logistics they were not. Thankfully my husband picked up my daughter just in time (he thought no way I would be coming just quite yet) and they finally saw me put that demon to bed.

I qualified for Boston with a time of
And I felt freaking great doing it too.
22nd out of 448 females my age.

The BEST part is my dad and step mom were there, my kids were so proud and my husband a little stunned. All Sam wants to know is when do we get to see Big Papi.
2016 buddy! It’s on.







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